
Why German people don’t like people who stand up and pee?

Yesterday, I read a news named: “German court rules that men can urinate while standing”. It mainly talks about a men stand up and pee in his bathroom, and his landlord ask money for the damage of the bathroom floor. The judge rejected the indemnification he need to pay, but said men who insist on standing "must expect occasional rows with housemates, especially women" but cannot be held to account for collateral damage.
  This news remind me the old days when I did my first internship in a German company. In that company, they have the same requirement: men cannot stand up and pee. I still keep that picture in my cellphone:

At the first time, I felt so strange and talked with my boss about that. He laughed about that and told me that it’s pretty common in German. Especially in the public bathroom, if you turn over the toilet seat, it will automatically broadcast a voice really loud to remind you: “Please do not stand up and pee!” when I asked why they do that. My boss told me that in one hand, it’s much easier to clean up the toilet than allowed men stand up and pee. In the other hand, it shows how they respect women. In German's basic law, the equality of men and women right were wrote inside clearly. They also have rules that requires the salary should not have any discrimination based on gender. According to The Global Gender Gap Report of 2014(http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GGGR14/GGGR_CompleteReport_2014.pdf) German was rank 12 over the world which also proved that German did a really great job about equality of men and women.

    Don’t allowed people stand up and pee seems unbelievable to some people, that’s because we have different culture background. If you were born in Germany, you may also feel people who stand up and pee is so wired!

