
Why you should choose a cat as your pet instead of a dog?

Recently, one of my friends wants to raise a pet and asked me a question: “Should I choose a dog or a cat as my pet? Give me at least 5 reasons!”
 I used to raise a cat when I was a kid, and one of my friends (Wendy) had a dog as a pet in their house. In order to answer my friend question fairly, I didn't tell him my opinion immediately. I went to Wendy’s house and stay almost a day to experience the difference between dog and cat. After the one day experience, I finally told my friend to raise a cat in the end. Here are the reasons:

1.      Cats will treat your guests politely. When I first went to my friend’s house, before the door open, I can hear the dog bark on me. And it lasts for quite a few minutes. Even after I sit down on their sofa, their dog starts scratching and smell on me. My cat will never do that to my guest, usually they will stay where they are and play with themselves.
2.      Cats smells better than a dog. That’s probably my friend forgot to give her dog a shower, it smells not very good. But cat knows how to take care of their personal hygiene.
3.      Cats are more independent, if you left them alone, they can look after themselves. If you left a dog alone in your house, be prepared that your furniture will be totally destroyed when you come back home. I saw a lot of bite marks on my friends’ sofa and TV cable.
4.      Cats don't need you to take a walk every day. I took a walk with my friend and her dog one day. It makes me feel people are even more tired than the dog.
5.      Cats are more quite than dogs. The cat will meow only when they want to get your attention, such as when she wish to go outside. The cat will respect your need for quiet, the dog always wants to play with you.
6.      Cats won't scare other people away. Your cat will never chase the mailman, or children who pass by your house. I saw my friend’s dog really like to chase other kids around their house.

7.      Cats go to the bathroom. Unlike dogs, cats poo and pee in the same place every time. My friend’s dog pees everywhere when we walked outside. Even in their house, I saw her dog pee on the carpet once.

