
How apple pay take over the mobile shopping?

Recently, I read an article from Forbes.(Forget Stores: Apple Pay Is Already Taking Over Mobile Shopping). It mainly talks about the fact that 80% customers now day pay their sports ticket through Apply Pay service. At the first beginning, apple don’t want to add apply pay into their iPhone. Because Apple doubted whether anyone will swipe their iPhone at a store checkout counter? But since the mobile shopping booms, they finally choose to add that function into their new iPhone.
       How’s Apply Pay works? The key technology behind it is the NFC (Near Filed Communication). It enables smartphone and other devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, typically a distance of 10 cm (3.9 in) or less. Actually, Apple is not the first one who invented the NFC. The first device have this technology is a Nokia 6131 phone which was produced in 2006.
Why Apple Pay success instead of the other phone company? In my opinion, there are three reasons: first, Apple focus on only one function that NFC can do– make payment. Unlike most Android phone company, producers added a lot of functions inside of their device to help customers. Such as: help you pay for the bus ticket or taxi, download pictures, open doors and confirm trade information. The thing is most people seldom use all of those functions. Too much functions may confuse the customer and scare them away, because customers don’t like complicated things. Second, Apple restate the concept to their customers. They make it easier for customer to understand what Apply Pay can do. If you go to the Apple website, you will see “Apple Pay combines the convenience and security of Touch ID and Passbook with NFC technology. So you can use iPhone 6 to pay in stores and within apps with a single touch.” What customer knows about Apply Pay is you can make payment with a single touch of your phone. Third, by cooperating with other apps, asking them build in Apply Pay into their apps to help Apple broadcast. Build channels for customer to use it and make it becomes a habit and finally take over customer’s mobile shopping habit.
As you can see, the way how you use the same new technology leads to different results. You don’t need to be the first one, but you need to be the smartest one.

