
Why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger?

Recently, one of my friend’s cellphone broke down and asked me for some suggestions about her new phone. After I named some different cellphone models. She complained to me: “Those cellphone are really nice, but all of them are too big for me, could you name some small size cellphone to me?” After we searched over two hours about the small size cellphone on the internet, she finally decided which smartphone she is going to buy. It also makes me wonder “Why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger?”
(Picture from the internet)
I tried to search the answer from the internet, but most of those explains are talking about because of the manufacturing technology are improved and it’s easier to make a big screen size cellphone than before. The other point is the profit, because bigger screen cellphone usually can sell higher price which means more profit. The third one is the market, more and more cellphone company are producing the bigger screen size cellphone to the market, because they don’t want lose the big screen size cellphone market share(That’s why you can see Apple start celling iPhone 6 Plus in 2014) .

But according my observation, I think there are three more reasons why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger. First, cellphone are no longer cellphone anymore. People nowadays don’t just want their cellphone can make phone call or send text message. They want more functions, such are write & reply email, read news or play games on their cellphone. Those additional functions require bigger screen to give the customer the best using experience. Second, the battery life is really not a big issue nowadays. Because bigger screen also means the battery will die faster, the cellphone producer are trying to put higher battery capacity into their phone. Meanwhile, people are getting used to charge their phone every night before they go to sleep. So the battery life is not important than it used to be. Third, you don’t need to worry about your cellphone will drop into the toilet anymore!!! :)


How to sell digital download games in retail store?

      Recently, I read an article named “How GameStop avoid the Blockbuster’s tragedy?”  It talks about how GameStop changed their current strategy to sell their product when people nowadays prefer shopping online. It talks about the phenomenon that GameStop took 40% of the digital download game market which surprised a lot of people. The reasons behind it are: First, there are still a lot of young men don’t have their own credit card to pay for their favorite games online, so they would go to the GameStop store to buy a digital download card for themselves. Second, most of their current customers are used to sell their old games to get discount for new games, so they willing to go to their store sold their old games and get new one.

      But in my opinions, they are three more reasons for people to go to their store buy games. First, the price of video game. Compared with songs and movies, game is way more expensive. Now days, a movie cost around $5 and a song cost around $0.99. There doesn't have much value to be resold. But when you go to the GameStop, the new game price is always around $39.99-$59.99. When you resell them, you can still get at least $10 back or even higher form each game. Because you can get discount when sold your old game to them that motivate people go to the real store purchase games. Second, the exclusivity of their games. Unlike the normal online digital download game, GameStop add exclusive features in their games where you can only get that from their retail store. That because GameStop signed contracts with those game produce company to ensure the exclusivity. Third, the well-built membership system, when you go to their store, no matter you sold a game to them or purchased a game from them, you will get some membership points and with those points you can get discount when buy new games. But in the online store, they don't have such thing.


How apple pay take over the mobile shopping?

Recently, I read an article from Forbes.(Forget Stores: Apple Pay Is Already Taking Over Mobile Shopping). It mainly talks about the fact that 80% customers now day pay their sports ticket through Apply Pay service. At the first beginning, apple don’t want to add apply pay into their iPhone. Because Apple doubted whether anyone will swipe their iPhone at a store checkout counter? But since the mobile shopping booms, they finally choose to add that function into their new iPhone.
       How’s Apply Pay works? The key technology behind it is the NFC (Near Filed Communication). It enables smartphone and other devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, typically a distance of 10 cm (3.9 in) or less. Actually, Apple is not the first one who invented the NFC. The first device have this technology is a Nokia 6131 phone which was produced in 2006.
Why Apple Pay success instead of the other phone company? In my opinion, there are three reasons: first, Apple focus on only one function that NFC can do– make payment. Unlike most Android phone company, producers added a lot of functions inside of their device to help customers. Such as: help you pay for the bus ticket or taxi, download pictures, open doors and confirm trade information. The thing is most people seldom use all of those functions. Too much functions may confuse the customer and scare them away, because customers don’t like complicated things. Second, Apple restate the concept to their customers. They make it easier for customer to understand what Apply Pay can do. If you go to the Apple website, you will see “Apple Pay combines the convenience and security of Touch ID and Passbook with NFC technology. So you can use iPhone 6 to pay in stores and within apps with a single touch.” What customer knows about Apply Pay is you can make payment with a single touch of your phone. Third, by cooperating with other apps, asking them build in Apply Pay into their apps to help Apple broadcast. Build channels for customer to use it and make it becomes a habit and finally take over customer’s mobile shopping habit.
As you can see, the way how you use the same new technology leads to different results. You don’t need to be the first one, but you need to be the smartest one.