
Why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger?

Recently, one of my friend’s cellphone broke down and asked me for some suggestions about her new phone. After I named some different cellphone models. She complained to me: “Those cellphone are really nice, but all of them are too big for me, could you name some small size cellphone to me?” After we searched over two hours about the small size cellphone on the internet, she finally decided which smartphone she is going to buy. It also makes me wonder “Why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger?”
(Picture from the internet)
I tried to search the answer from the internet, but most of those explains are talking about because of the manufacturing technology are improved and it’s easier to make a big screen size cellphone than before. The other point is the profit, because bigger screen cellphone usually can sell higher price which means more profit. The third one is the market, more and more cellphone company are producing the bigger screen size cellphone to the market, because they don’t want lose the big screen size cellphone market share(That’s why you can see Apple start celling iPhone 6 Plus in 2014) .

But according my observation, I think there are three more reasons why cellphone is getting bigger and bigger. First, cellphone are no longer cellphone anymore. People nowadays don’t just want their cellphone can make phone call or send text message. They want more functions, such are write & reply email, read news or play games on their cellphone. Those additional functions require bigger screen to give the customer the best using experience. Second, the battery life is really not a big issue nowadays. Because bigger screen also means the battery will die faster, the cellphone producer are trying to put higher battery capacity into their phone. Meanwhile, people are getting used to charge their phone every night before they go to sleep. So the battery life is not important than it used to be. Third, you don’t need to worry about your cellphone will drop into the toilet anymore!!! :)

